eREQ improves the timeliness, accuracy, and efficiency of communications between requesters, buyers and managers, which results in numerous benefits including:
• Improved control of spending for supplies, MRO, and production
• Reduced paperwork and administration costs
• Improved visibility of Requisition approval status
• Decreased expediting costs due to delays in approvals
• Improved uptime through visibility of direct material and/or machine
part approvals
eREQ Features
The starting point for eREQ is an XA Requisition or Purchase Request, a new capability at XA 7.7 that allows for multiple line items on a single Requisition
PO Creation
When approval is completed or the requisition is rejected, confirmation emails can be sent to the requester and any watchers. Within XA Procurement Management, the procurement team is provided with a list of items that have been approved for purchase. Buyers can create a PO directly from that requisition or multiple items on multiple requisitions, and then simply release that PO for communication to the supplier. If the requisition has not been authorized for purchase, eREQ will prevent creation of a PO.
Developed for XA, using strategic XA development components
• XA Procurement Management requisitions and PO’s are the
foundation for the enhanced capabilities of eREQ. If you already
have knowledge of core XA Procurement Management
capabilities, installation and training for eREQ is accomplished
quickly, you can be live in just a few days.
• There is no separate ‘workflow’ product to install and maintain, no
server applications, and no additional database. All data is
inherent to XA. eREQ is XA.
Requisition Setup
Requisitions can be classified asinventory, non-inventory or capital requests. eREQ includes a capital projects database, which allows you to define project parameters like start and stop dates, default financial accounting codes, and more.
Requisition Approval Process
Once a requisition has been entered and flagged for approval,
If the approver uses PowerLink, detailed reviews of requests and approvals can be done directly from the requisition screen.
To help manage the decision process
Prerequisites for eREQ: XA R7.7 and higher, Procurement Mgmt, Enterprise Integrator, SMTP messaging for email alerts.